Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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The Commissioner promotes, commissions, undertakes and publishes research on matters relating to the rights of children and young people.

Current research that has been commissioned includes a scoping study on child trafficking to enable the Commissioner to develop a more comprehensive understanding of this issue and allow him to make recommendations for policy, practice and legislative change.

For further information on future and ongoing research please contact (Research Manager)

To access the findings of our published research please click here.

In this section

In 2010 a study was undertaken by the Centre for Rural Childhood, Perth College UHI to provide the Commissioner with an understanding of the nature and extent of child trafficking in Scotland which...
The job of Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People is to promote and safeguard the rights of children and young people in Scotland. In carrying out this job the Commissioner must in particular:...
Children and young people’s rights in Scotland are set out in Scottish, UK and International law. The Act that set up the post of Commissioner requests that in carrying out his work he pay particular...
A core principle of the UNCRC is a commitment to giving children and young people the opportunity to be involved in the decisions that affect them. This is reflected in the Act establishing the post...
The Commissioner must monitor law, policy and practice that relates to the rights of children and young people, assessing their adequacy and effectiveness. In carrying out this job the Commissioner...
The Commissioner promotes, commissions, undertakes and publishes research on matters relating to the rights of children and young people. Current research that has been commissioned includes a scoping...
In December 2010 the Commissioner launched a consultation on his Draft Strategic Plan for 2011 - 2015. The draft plan sets out the strategic aims, objectives, actions, and associated performance measures...
Here's where Tam will report in on what he's been up to - a quick update on where he's been, who he's spoken to, and what he's been working on. It's purpose is to give an insight into the work of Scotland's...
Under the  Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 anyone - from anywhere in the world - has the right to see any kind of recorded information held by a Scottish public authority. As Scotland's Commissioner...