Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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Net aware?

Here at SCCYP we know how important it is to keep you safe online

For example, we will never pass your details on to another person without your permission and we will never publish your full name online. Here are some of the other things you should always keep in mind:

1. Think before giving out personal information

When you want to sign up to an internet site you will often be asked to give out personal info like your name, address and telephone number - before you do, stop and think! What will they be used for?  Who might get hold of them? If you’re not sure – don’t do it - or check it out with a parent/carer to see what they think.

2. Use a nickname if possible

3. Watch out for spam!

Unless you tell them not to, some companies might pass all or some of this information on to other companies and then you could get bombarded with spam (unwanted emails). Check any forms you fill in - most have a small box you can tick or un-tick to make sure your information is not passed on.

4. Be careful with strangers online and in the real world

Never arrange to meet anyone in the real world who you only know online, unless your parent/carer agrees and comes with you.

5. Stay just as sussed when on the internet via phones or consoles

Some mobile phones and games consoles provide internet access. You need to stay just as sussed when on the internet via phones or consoles, as with a computer.

6. Keep passwords private

Remember – any passwords you use are supposed to be secret so keep them to yourself.

7. Always scan for viruses

Viruses can spread through email attachments, causing serious damage or even destroying your computer. Make sure the emails are from people you know and trust before opening them. Even this isn't always foolproof so if you're unsure - scan it for viruses first or bin it!

Click CEOP

Have you seen this symbol on the sites you use? It is your door to one stop internet safety advice and help. If you use social networking areas or other sites offering chat or contact with online buddies then look for it. It is there for you.


When should I report to CEOP? We help children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it here.

How do you keep safe online?

Do you have any tips for using the web and staying safe?

If you need to talk to someone in confidence, please call Childline on 0800 1111

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