Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People

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New Enquire film launched!

Getting ready to leave school: Making a good transition

In Enquire’s new film, pupils from Woodlands school in Edinburgh share their views on getting ready to leave school and offer useful tips for adults who might be supporting them during this time.

We learn about their hopes for the future and how a learning resource, created by Playback ICE, called the Moving On programme has helped them to feel prepared for their next steps. Launched at the 2013 Enquire National Conference, the film looks at a variety of key themes, including:

  • What transition means to young people getting ready to leave school
  • What makes them nervous about this time, and what makes them excited
  • How additional support needs can impact on a young person’s ability to make a good transition
  • How the Moving On Programme has helped them to feel prepared for leaving school
  • The skills they have acquired since starting the Moving On programme

Follow this link to watch the film on Enquire's YouTube channel: Getting ready to leave school: Making a good transition

(The film was made by Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning, and Media Education. Scottish folk singer Karine Polwart kindly contributed the music.)