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Community planning and involvement

This section includes materials about the involvement of children and young people in specifc aspects of Community Planning, such as the development of play spaces. It also lists resources on young peoples influence on policy-makers and practical methods to engage young people.

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Children's participation: the theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care.

HART, Roger, 1997. London. Unicef. Earthscan Publications Ltd ISBN: 1 85383 322 3

Hart is an important author in the field of participation. This book is for those concerned with sustainable development, but have not worked with children?…for educators , .. who want to know more practically about how to involve them in community development.. and in environmental projects. It is NOT a cookbook style manual. It emphasises that participation must be a dynamic constructive process with the score being built like jazz as the programme proceeds. It also looks at diverse cultures and social classes. For working with children and young people up to the age of about 14 years.

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'Learning to listen' - Young people and the police in Northern Ireland

HAMILTON, J., RADFORD, K., and JARMAN, N. (2004). Youth & Policy, no.84 (Summer). pp5-20. The rights and opinions of young people and the obligations of statutory agencies to consult them, have assumed greater importance with recent legislative changes in Northern Ireland. This paper looks at the attitudes and experiences of young people towards changes within the Northern Ireland policing system and raises issues about good practice and the participation of young people in consultation and policy development.

40 Developmental Assets

The Search Institute(U.S.A.) is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. To accomplish this mission, the institute generates and communicates new knowledge, and brings together community, state, and national leaders.

At the heart of the institute's work is the framework of 40 Developmental Assets, which are positive experiences and personal qualities that young people need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Recommended by delegate at a conference about detached youth work.

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A guide to actively involving young people in research: for researchers, research commissioners and managers

KIRBY, P. (2004). Eastleigh: Involve Research Consultancy. 32pp. This guide is about why and how to involve young people aged 12 to 21 years as researchers in health and social care research. It is aimed primarily at researchers and commissioners of research. Professionals working with young people will also find it useful, as may young people and parents. Looks at the benefits of involving young people; when and how to involve young people; power issues; identifying and supporting young research partners; the role of workers in supporting young people's involvement; ensuring young people's health, safety and wellbeing. ISBN: 0954121538

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A real part to play: a resource pack for involving young people in community regeneration.

STEFANSSON, E., and DALZELL, R. (2005)
London: National Children's Bureau. 117pp.
Aimed at professionals working in community regeneration and others. The resource pack offers suggestions on involving children and young people in community regeneration and treating them as equal partners. It follows the evolutionary stages of project development, from planning children and young people's involvement, to working with them and evaluating the test results of a specific project. It includes examples of good practice, practical tips, checklists, advice and activities.
ISBN: 1904787320. Price: £25.00

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