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This section includes research and participation resources to overcome some of the barriers to including children and young people in participative work. Some of the resources target specific groups e.g. BME, LGBT and disabled young people. Others focus on factors relating to children and young people who may experience exclusion as a result of poverty, low self esteem, living in care. They share a common purpose in that they promote the inclusion of all children and young people in the issues and decisions that affect them by providing information and guidance to engage with young people who may have been traditionally regarded as hard to reach.

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Children's participation: the theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care.

HART, Roger, 1997. London. Unicef. Earthscan Publications Ltd ISBN: 1 85383 322 3

Hart is an important author in the field of participation. This book is for those concerned with sustainable development, but have not worked with children?…for educators , .. who want to know more practically about how to involve them in community development.. and in environmental projects. It is NOT a cookbook style manual. It emphasises that participation must be a dynamic constructive process with the score being built like jazz as the programme proceeds. It also looks at diverse cultures and social classes. For working with children and young people up to the age of about 14 years.

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'How come I don't get asked no questions?' Researching 'hard to reach' children and teenagers

CURTIS, K., and others (2004) Child & Family Social Work, vol.19, no.2 (May). pp167-175. Discusses two related areas of research practice with children and young people - working with children and teenagers for whom the traditional, discursive nature of interview-based research is less accessible; and the disinclination of researchers to report on difficulties in the research process.

A Resource Pack for People Working With Young Carers

for Young Carer Workers [and teachers] who work in primary and secondary schools. The aim of the pack is to raise awareness and develop understanding about: how young carers are defined; the particular needs of young carers; increasing acceptance (and, consequently, decreasing the stigma) in schools of the need to care for people with mental health, substance misuse and disability issues.
It includes lesson plans for key stages 2 (aged 7-8), 3 (aged 11-12), 4 (aged 14-15), example of a young carers policy for schools, action checklist for teachers, a young carers charter. (This is a FREE resource). Tacade is a not-for-profit charitable organisation working in the field of personal, social, health and citizenship education (including drug(s), alcohol, tobacco and sexual health issues) for children and young people. Increasingly, Tacade works with the more vulnerable, at risk young people.

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Access All Areas What children and young people think about accessibility, inclusion and additional support at school

(2007) Edinburgh. Children in Scotland with Scottish Borders Council, ISBN 9781901589535 38pp

This is the result of a three-year study set up by Scottish Borders Council in collaboration with Children in Scotland. to inform the Scottish Borders accessibility strategy, and associated policy and practice.

Over 750 pupils took part, from the ages of five to 18 years, involving three high schools and nine primary schools. It shows the huge importance children and young people place on friendships and relationships, and that being included in the academic dimension is not enough. They value social and cultural activities, eating with others etc. They know they need help, but want it to be as discreet as possible. DOWNLOADABLE

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Act by Right

National Youth Agency. 'This is a skills workbook, developed with young people and accredited by ASDAN. It takes children and young people through five stages of a journey to develop their knowledge and skills to take effective action and make change happen. It is rooted in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, (November 2004.)' Recommended by a delegate at a detached youth work conference.

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