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Children & Young People's Rights

Leaving Care - Further Information

Image - BulletScottish Child Law Centre
The Centre provides a free telephone advice service on all aspects of Scots law relating to children and young people, including education; health; social work; divorce; residence; contact; children's rights; youth offenders; and access to files. If you need a lawyer, they can help you find one in your area that is likely to know the kind of issues you will be facing.

Image - BulletScottish Council for Single Homeless
This site gives you some real and practical examples of what you should expect when leaving care. It covers things like accommodation, benefits, budgeting, young parents and lots more.

Image - BulletScotland Shelter
Shelter provides specific information on things like support from social work. This site also shows you the criteria which allows you to receive support e.g. if you are under 18 and have been in care for a total of at least 13 weeks from the age of 14, and have been looked after at some time while you were 16 or 17.

Image - BulletSupporting Young People Leaving Care in Scotland
This is the link to the Scottish Executive guidance and regulations that are referred to in the leaflet.

Chapter 2 of this document gives information about the law. This is particularly useful as it provides updated information on the Children ( Scotland) Act 1995. Things have been added to the Act since it became law, so old versions of the Act are out of date. It also contains the full set of regulations.

Image - Bullet Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum
This Forum raises issues that are important for all young people in and leaving care. Although they cannot provide direct help for individuals, the publications section of the website has lots of useful links, including information about pathway plans.

Image - BulletCitizens Advice Bureau
This is a really useful site and covers many things such as: children?s hearings, court orders, rights when you are being looked after, the care plan, challenging decisions, children?s homes, residential schools, aftercare services, foster care and many more.

Please note that this is a general guide to law and policy. Specific advice should be taken about individual cases. This is the law in March 2007 and laws may change in the future.
