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Children & Young People's Rights

Relevant Links

Find out what your rights are in Scotland, what you can do and at what age from the sites below. The Child Law Centre and YoungScot both provide help on how to get legal advice and help.

Positive Pete

Visit Positive Pete's bebo site to chat and share information with other young people about positive mental health. This site has been created in collaboration with Penumbra and a group of young people.

Image - BulletVisit the Positive Pete website.

Relate - Utalk

If your parents are separating or getting divorced this service can help you. They understand what you are going through and are there to listen to you and answer any questions about what's happening at home.

Call 0845 456 1310 to make an appointment.

Image - BulletVisit the Relate - Utalk website.

Scottish Child Law Centre

CYP Friendly
Scottish Child Law Centre offers free legal advice for children and young people. If you have any questions about the law, they're the people to ask. Under 18s can call them on their freephone number 0800 328 8970.

Image - BulletVisit the Scottish Child Law Centre website.

Who Cares? Scotland

Who Cares? Scotland is a voluntary organisation working with and for children & young people in care.
It provides a range of services to children & young people with experience of being looked after in Scotland including: Advocacy, Advice, Information and Support.

Image - BulletVisit the Who Cares? Scotland website.

YoungScot Law Channel

CYP Friendly
YoungScot Law Channel provides legal advice for young people in Scotland. This site allows you to find out what you can do at what age and how to go about getting legal advice. To get to the Law Channel select Law from the Information Bar on the left.

Image - BulletVisit the YoungScot Law Channel website.
