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Child Protection Links

Child Protection Line

Provides you with access to child protection services and allows you to share your concerns about a child with the most appropriate agency. To speak to a trained operator contact the 24 hour confidential freephone number: 0800 022 3222

Image - BulletVisit the Child Protection Line website.


This website aims to provide practical advice, and promote the safety, welfare and pastoral care of children and young people involved in travel, sport or organised groups. As a crime reduction initiative it is about improving care, reducing opportunities of abuse in its widest sense and helping all those parents, organisers or volunteers who are involved in supporting youngsters in such activities.

Image - BulletVisit the Child-Safe website.

Children are Unbeatable

The Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance campaigns for the UK to satisfy human rights obligations by modernising the law on assault to afford children the same protection as adults.There is a wide-range of information on their webstie, including advice on positive discipline.

Image - BulletVisit the Children are Unbeatable website.


CYP Friendly
Children1st seeks to promote childrens rights and interests and protect them from harm and neglect. If you are a parent or carer and need to talk through your worries, problems and concerns about a child contact Parentline Scotland on 0800 8000 2222.

Image - BulletVisit the Children1st website.

ICO Social Networking

CYP Friendly
Find out more about how you can protect your personal information on social networking sites.

Image - BulletVisit the ICO Social Networking website.


CYP Friendly
NSPCC specialises in child protection and prevention of cruelty to children. Find information and advice on child abuse and how to make it stop in the Kids Zone. Parents, carers and anyone working with or for children and young people can access a huge range of information resources from the site.

Image - BulletVisit the NSPCC website.


CYP Friendly
This website contains loads of information on how to stay safe online. All hot topics are covered ?– including mobiles, blogging and gaming sites. It also lets you know who you can talk to if you feel uncomfortable or worried about someone youre chatting to online.

Image - BulletVisit the THINKUKNOW website.
