Capability Scotland
Provides support services for children and young people with additional support needs in Scotland, including respite care, day and residential services, education and family support.Visit the Capability Scotland website.
Disability Rights Commission (DRC)
This is an independent body set up to stop discrimination and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. If you need advice and information about the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 you can contact the DRC Helpline.Visit the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) website.
Health and Safety Executive
Seeks to minimise risks to people's health and safety in the workplace.Visit the Health and Safety Executive website.
Works with disabled children and young people to develop their independent movement skills.Visit the MOVE website.
Works with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, their families, carers, and the professionals who support them. PAMIS offers help, advice, training and information.Visit the PAMIS website.
This charity provides support and care for children with phyiscal or learning disabilities and their families.Visit the Quarriers website.
Scottish Manual Handling Forum
The Forum comprises moving and handling professionals from the NHS, local authorities and the private sector. The Forum meets twice a year to discuss developments or challenges in the manaul handling field.Visit the Scottish Manual Handling Forum website.
Scottish Personal Assistant Employers Network
This network provides information on direct payments and the employment of personal assistants.Visit the Scottish Personal Assistant Employers Network website.