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Staying Healthy Links

HandsOnScotland Toolkit

This website is a one-stop shop for practical information and techniques on how to respond helpfully to children and young people's troubling behaviour, build up their self-esteem and promote their positive mental wellbeing.

Image - BulletVisit the HandsOnScotland Toolkit website.

Health Promoting Schools

CYP Friendly
Health Promoting Schools website has information and resources to help schools take positive steps towards better health and well-being. There are interactive sites for children and young people with games and facts on keeping healthy.
You will need Macromedia Flash Player to access the interactive sites.

Image - BulletVisit the Health Promoting Schools website.

NHS 24

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NHS 24 is an all day and night health advice and support service for everyone in Scotland including children and young people. If you, or someone you look after are unwell or you need more information about a health matter call them on 08454 24 24 24.

Image - BulletVisit the NHS 24 website.

NHS Health Scotland

NHS Health Scotland is working at national level to support organisations, policy makers, communities and individuals to take action to improve health and reduce health inequalities across Scotland. From this site you can link to relevant research and resources on issues such as healthy living, promotion and drugs and alcohol advice for parents.

Image - BulletVisit the NHS Health Scotland website.

Positive Pete

Visit Positive Pete's bebo site to chat and share information with other young people about positive mental health. This site has been created in collaboration with Penumbra and a group of young people.

Image - BulletVisit the Positive Pete website.

Stress and Anxiety in Teenagers

This resource talks about what causes stress and how you can try to manage it creatively. The site uses a number of fun and involved ways to help you recognise if you suffer from stress; and start to think about ways of helping yourself or a friend deal with it.

Image - BulletVisit the Stress and Anxiety in Teenagers website.

Walk the Talk

Walk the Talk has been set up to support those people involved in the delivery and design of health and health related services for young people. Find contacts, resources and information to help you develop appropriate and accessible health services for young people.

Image - BulletVisit the Walk the Talk website.


CYP Friendly
YoungMinds is committed to improving the mental health of children and young people. From this site you can access information and advice on mental health issues (including depression, eating problems and much more) for children and young people, their families and anyone who works with children and young people.

Image - BulletVisit the YoungMinds website.
